Entering Sacromonte you enter another world. Though only minutes walk away from the Albaicín and merely 20 from the busy city centre, the atmosphere is altogether more rural and quiet. The area rises up on the Valaparaíso Hill overlooking the Darro Valley. It was named after the Abbey at the top of the hill, founded in the 17th century.
Traditionally the home of gypsies, artists and bohemians, its history as a neighbourhood really begins in the 16th century, when moors and jews were forced out of their homes in the city and began to make their homes beyond the city walls. Though their origin is not certain, the caves in the Sacromonte became the traditional homes in the area.
Gypsies may have begun to arrive accompanying the Catholic Monarchs' troops during the conquest of the city. By 1850 there were already records of renown flamenco artists taking part in Zambras- the traditional gypsy gatherings of flamenco dance and song in Granada. The most well-known caves in the Sacromonte are those dedicated to Zambras. Traditionally decorated with copper and brass pots and ornaments, they are today more of a show for tourists but are certainly worth a visit.
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